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Hotel Hilde in Medulin, Istrien, Kroatien. Kommen Sie mit Ihren besten Freund! Zimmer für 2-4 Personen. Wir sind 100 m vom Meer entfernt, auf der Hauptstraße nach Medulin. An der Südküste von Istrien. In den Urlaub mit Ihnen! .
Hotel Hilde in Medulin, Istria, Croatia. Take your best friend with you! Das Hotel Hilde ist ein gemütliches Familienhotel mit Appartments, Zimmern mit mehreren Betten, einem eigenen Restaurant. Es befindet sich an der Küste, im Zentrum von Medulin, einem Touristenstädtchen ganz am südlichen Ende von Istrien, Kroatien. Hotel Hilde je udoban obiteljski hotel s apartmanima, višekrevetnim sobama, vlastitim restoranom. Smješten je na obali, u centru Medulina, turističkog gradića na krajnjem jugu Istre, u.
Hotel Hilde u Medulinu, Istra, Hrvatska. Dođite sa svojim najboljim prijateljem! Sobe za 2-4 osobe. Obiteljske sobe za 4-6 osoba. Karte i upute za dolazak. Smješteni smo 100 m od mora, na glavnoj cesti u Medulinu. Poznatom turističkom gradiću pokraj Pule. S radošću ćemo ugostiti vašeg psa.
Hotel Hilde a Medolino, Istria, Croazia. Venite con il vostro miglior amico! Camere per 2-4 persone. Camere familiari per 4-6 persone. Orario di arrivo e partenza. Mappa e indicazioni per raggiungerci.
Hotel Hilde v Medulinu, Istra, Hrvaška. Pridite s svojim najboljšim prijateljem! Sobe za 2-4 osebe. Družinske sobe za 4-6 oseb. Hišni ljubljenčki so dobrodošli! Jedilnik A la Carte. Zemljevidi in navodila za prihod. Odgovori na pogosto postavljena vprašanja. Nahajamo se na 100 m od morja, na glavni ulici v Medulinu. Znanem turističnem kraju v bližini Pule.
Отель Hilde в Медулине, Истрия, Хорватия. Возьмите с собой своего лучшего друга! Номера для 2-4 человек. Семейные номера на 4-6 человек. Ответы на часто задаваемые вопросы. Мы расположены в 100 м от моря, на главной дороге известного туристического городка Медулин.
The hotels main entrance is on ground level which is much appreciated by people with reduced mobility. The breakfast room is also on the ground floor overlooking the garden. Book a room in Les Sables dOlonne, 50 metres from the beach and 10 minutes from the casino.
Hotel Horyzont is located by national road numver 9 in the direction of Krosno and the crossing in Barwinek. 5 km train station PKP. Single person rooms, two person rooms, and Apartament. Elegant restaurant serving delicious meals. We guarantee an excellent atmosphere! .
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Hotel near Verona, Hotel for the Fair of Verona, Verona Hotel for operas. Hotel Il Chiostro, located near Verona is an excellent solution for those looking for a hotel near the fair,. Or a hotel to attend the opera soirees of Verona. In a refined and relaxing, you can reach Verona in a few minutes drive. Hotel 3 Stars near Verona. To spend wonderful moments of relaxation in an elegant and refined a few minutes drive from Verona. Go to Hotel IL CHIOSTRO. Go to Residence IL CHIOSTRO.
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